PNN Forward Accuracy (FoA)

Forward-test Daily Predictions to FoA Table
Decompose FoA Table to Sensitivity and Bias
Quantify PNN Force & Sentiment Under Asset Price Dynamics
Right Direction Is More Important Than Hard Working

What to Invest? When to Invest? PNN InSciTech

FoA Tables guide short-term options trading
PNN Force is defined as the Upforce percentile calculated by SDT from FoA Tables
Compare Upforce percentiles (AAPL, TSLA, SPY) to quantify the strength
Reference point: 50% represents dprime=0; dprime is a Z score
So 50% Upforce shows no difference between Up and Down distributions

May The Force Be With You

3 S&P 500 Stocks (AAPL, BAC, AXP) Power 75% Of Buffett's Profit

Remove/Add/Move items (e.g., speaker for Jin men) from the low-energy yongshen Bagua area (east-south Xun gong) to boost the energy of the area by the to-be-discovered algorithms of Tesla Waves and Quantum Entanglement. Jin of Xun gong is Frightenning at 100 level (Fear, Anxiety) of the Hawkins Chart.
Reference energy levels (Hawkins Chart):

Who cares: 401K owners, Institutions, Funds
This: Real time assessment of stock predictions
Next: Hedge Fund, Personal Finance apps
Tech: AI PNN NLP; Cloud; SaaS; REST; BS; JS
