Discover Peace Gratitude Joy
Boost Health Wealth Happiness 道善喜
Discover Purpose Passion Meaning Value
戒五毒: 贪嗔Anger痴Addiction慢Arrogance疑
举三优: 坚忍Patience平湖Calmness能力Power
To Peace Gratitude and Positive Personality
Train your mindset by dragging positive beans
Describe a reason you are grateful now
{{ ai_message_2 }}
Describe a positive thought of gratefulness
{{ ai_message_3 }}
How to Stop a Bully? Resilient, Emotionally Strong, Mentally Tough, Tough Skin How to Manage Panic Attack?
{{ ai_message_4 }}
Meditation Music Qigong 音乐打坐站桩 1. Circle legs, close eyes, smile
2. Two hands facing each other, belly breathing
3. Swing with relaxing piano music (use a Portable MP3 player radio)
4. Imagine beautiful things and loving people
5. Getting warm | self healing | relaxing | feeling good
Adaptation from Meditation Qigong 站桩
Describe your moment emotion
{{ ai_message_5 }}
Who cares: Employers, Insurers, Everyone
Tech: AI NLP; Cloud; API; SaaS; BS; JS
This: Measure emotional health by NLP
Next: FDA, Clinical trial, SDT EH Algos