道解卦SoulCare Wisdom

Solution Wisdoms for 64 ICO Hexagrams
道德經之道解易經64卦(文王 老子 ICO葉)
六十四卦爻精解(孔子 曾仕强)


Tao Te Ching (帝王学 鼎50卦 King's Teaching)
Art of War (兵学 师7卦 General's Teaching)
I Ching (General's and Life's Teaching)
传习录 (陽明心學 集道佛儒 Life's Teaching)
此心不动 随机而动 (Meditate Calm Timing Act)
太乙金华宗旨 (打坐冥想 Meditation HowTo)
放下执念: 风来了 风走了 风不留痕
禪宗(Zen佛): 戒(贪嗔痴) 定(安宁) 慧(智慧)
金刚经 坛经: "参话头"-卦 悟时"如桶底脱"成佛
Choice=ƒ(道慧Action 佛慧Mood 儒慧Love)
What is today's wisdom recipe?

How to Manage Happy Hormones?

卦Problem 卦解Scenario 爻解6 Stages 道解Solution Wisdom
1卦【乾为天】 乾上乾下 用九:见群龙无首,吉。【乾卦】卦辞:乾,元、亨、利、贞。卦辞精解:万物资始,自强不息。 【初九】爻辞:潜龙勿用。初九精解:尚未成熟,无能作为。 【九二】爻辞:见龙在田,利见大人。九二精解:有贤才者,宜见权势。【九三】爻辞:君子终日乾乾,夕惕若厉,无咎。九三精解:自强不息,随时警惕。【九四】爻辞:或跃在渊,无咎。九四精解:进退谨慎,不生差错。 【九五】爻辞:飞龙在天,利见大人。九五精解:有权势者,宜见贤才。 【上九】爻辞:亢龙有悔。上九精解:居高而亢,必将懊悔。 道德經Wisdom01 28 42 36 71】01天地之始 常道 常名 天道 人道 天人合一 有无 破有立无 28大道无分 知其雄 守其雌 为天下溪 先礼后兵 42三生万物 36以柔克刚 将欲弱之 必固强之 将欲废之 必固兴之 将欲取之 必固与之 是谓微明 柔弱胜刚强 鱼不可脱于渊 国之利器不可以示人 He who is to be made to dwindle (in power) must first be caused to expand. He who is to be weakened must first be made strong. He who is to be laid low must first be exalted to power. He who is to be taken away from must first be given - this is the Subtle Light. Gentleness overcomes strength: fish should be left in the deep pool, and sharp weapons of the state should be left where none can see them.
2卦【坤为地】 坤上坤下 用六:利永贞。 【坤卦】卦辞:坤,元亨,利牝马之贞。君子有攸往,先迷,后得主,利。西南得朋,东北丧。安贞吉。卦辞精解:深厚素养,负载万物。 【初六】爻辞:履霜坚冰至。 初六精解:履霜坚冰,防患未然。【六二】爻辞:直方大,不习,无不利。六二精解:恢宏伟大,纯属自然。【六三】爻辞:含章可贞,或从王事,无成有终。六三精解:内含华美,正固自守。【六四】爻辞:括囊,无咎无誉。六四精解:保守秘密,谨慎无害。【六五】爻辞:黄裳元吉。六五精解:居高谦和,大为得计。【上六】爻辞:龙战于野,其血玄黄。上六精解:进逼君子,不服领导。 道德經Wisdom08 28 42】08上善若水 水善利万物而不争 处众人之所恶 故几于道 The best of men is like water; water benefits all things and does not compete with them. It dwells in (the lowly) places that all disdain - wherein it comes near to the Tao. 28大道无分 知其雄 守其雌 为天下溪 先礼后兵 42道生一 一生二 二生三 三生万物 万物负阴而抱阳 冲气以为和 Out of Tao, One is born; Out of One, Two; Out of Two, Three; Out of Three, the created universe. The created universe carries the yin at its back and the yang in front; Through the union of the pervading principles it reaches harmony.
3卦【水雷屯】 坎上震下 《序卦传》:盈天地之间者, 唯万物,故受之以屯。【屯卦】卦辞:屯,元,亨,利,贞。勿用有攸往,利建侯。卦辞精解:险难行动,深谋远虑。 【初九】爻辞:磐桓,利居贞,利建侯。初九精解:徘徊难进,宜居于正。 【六二】爻辞:如邅如,乘马班如。匪寇,婚媾。女子贞不字,十年乃字。六二精解:难进而返,疑遇寇盗。【六三】爻辞:即鹿无虞,惟入于林中。君子几,不如舍,往吝。六三精解:见微知著,不可独往。【六四】爻辞:乘马班如,求婚媾,往吉,无不利。六四精解:下求贤才,共济时艰。【九五】爻辞:屯其膏,小,贞吉;大,贞凶。九五精解:积聚恩泽,君子失策。 【上六】爻辞:乘马班如,泣血如。上六精解:环境艰难,急速返回。 道德經Wisdom26】道重身轻 重为轻根 静为躁君 轻则失根 躁则失君 Substance is the root of lightness. Tranquility is the master of restlessness. To be light is to lose one's root. To be restless is to lose one's mastery of tranquility.
4卦【山水蒙】 艮上坎下 《序卦传》:物生必蒙,故受之 以蒙;蒙者,蒙也,物之稚也。【蒙卦】卦辞:蒙,亨。匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我。初告,再三渎,则不 告。利贞。卦辞精解:果断力行,培育素养。 【初六】爻辞:发蒙,利用刑人,用说桎梏,以往。初六精解:启发蒙昧,宜用严师。【九二】爻辞:包蒙,吉。纳妇,吉。子克家。九二精解:包容蒙昧,贤者治国。【六三】爻辞:勿用取女。见金夫,不躬,无攸利。六三精解:见异思迁,教育无益。【六四】爻辞:困蒙,吝。六四精解:困于蒙昧,未受教育。【六五】爻辞:童蒙,吉。六五精解:童子蒙昧,易于施教。 【上九】爻辞:击蒙,不利为寇,利御寇。上九精解:惩治蒙昧,注意教法。 道德經Wisdom13】13宠辱若惊 贵大患若身 寵為下 得之若惊 失之若惊 是谓宠辱若惊 Favor from above causes one dismay. Having it makes one fearful. Losing it makes one fearful. This is "favor and disgrace cause one dismay", i.e., the greatest misfortune to your health.
5卦【水天需】 坎上乾下 《序卦传》:物稚不可不 养也,故受之需;需 者,饮食之道也。【需卦】卦辞:需,有孚,光亨,贞吉,利涉大川。卦辞精解:饮食宴乐,以待时机。 【初九】爻辞:需于郊,利用恒,无咎。初九精解:栖身山林,持之以恒。 【九二】爻辞:需于沙,小有言,终吉。九二精解:可进可退,不计闲言。【九三】爻辞:需于泥,致寇至。九三精解:已临险境,敬慎处之。【六四】爻辞:需于血,出自穴。六四精解:深陷险地,仍能脱出。【九五】爻辞:需于酒食,贞吉。九五精解:安于生活,守正得计。【上六】爻辞:入于穴,有不速之客三人来,敬之,终吉。上六精解:进入险境,以敬待客 【道德經Wisdom05】天地不仁 以万物为刍狗 圣人不仁 以百姓为刍狗 Heaven and Earth are impartial, they regard myriad things as straw dogs. The sages are impartial, they regard people as straw dogs. Straw dogs are respected when needed, yet disgarded when not needed.
6卦【天水讼】 乾上坎下 《序卦传》:饮食必有讼,故受之以讼。【讼卦】卦辞:讼,有孚室,惕,中吉;终凶。利见大人,不利涉大川。卦辞精解:争讼刚险,谋虑于始 【初六】爻辞:不永所事,小有言,终吉。初六精解:言辞之争,不久可止。 【九二】爻辞:不克讼,归而,其邑人三百户,无眚。九二精解:争讼不胜,归隐以避。【六三】爻辞:食旧德,贞厉,终吉。或从王事,无成。六三精解:容忍旧恶,不与争讼。【九四】爻辞:不克讼,复即命,渝,安贞吉。九四精解:争讼不胜,宜安于正。【九五】爻辞:讼,元吉。九五精解:争讼得计,由于中正。 【上九】爻辞:或锡之带,终朝三褫之。上九精解:争讼虽胜,不足尊敬。 道德經Wisdom37 56】37道常无为而无不为 Following the Tao to do no harm, then there is nothing you can not do. 56知者不言 言者不知 Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know.
7卦【地水师】 坤上坎下 《序卦传》:讼必有众起,故受之以师;师者,众也。【师卦】卦辞: 师,贞,丈人吉,无咎。卦辞精解:包容人民,蓄养群众。 【初六】爻辞:师出以律,否臧凶。初六精解:出兵依律,不善则凶。【九二】爻辞:在师,中吉,无咎。王三锡命。九二精解:恩威并用,得王信赖。【六三】爻辞:师或舆尸,凶。六三精解:作战用人,要专要当。【六四】爻辞:师左次,无咎。六四精解:作战胜败,兵家常事。【六五】爻辞:田有禽,利执;言,无咎。长子帅师;弟子舆尸。贞凶。六五精解:敌人来侵,贤才统兵。【上六】爻辞:大君有命,开国承家,小人勿用。上六精解:封国立家,不用小人。 【道德經Wisdom31 69】31不战而胜 夫兵者 不祥之器 物或恶之 故有道者不处 A strong military, a tool of misfortune. All things detest it. Therefore, those who possess the Tao avoid it. 69哀兵必胜 用兵有言: 吾不敢为主 而为客 不敢进寸 而退尺 故抗兵相若 哀者胜矣. In using the military, there is a saying: I dare not be the host, but prefer to be the guest. I dare not advance an inch, but have to withdraw a foot. So when evenly matched armies meet, the side that is compassionate shall win.
8卦【水地比】 坎上坤下 《序卦传》:众必有所比,故受之以比;比者,比也。【比卦】卦辞:比,吉。原筮,元永贞,无咎。不宁方来,后夫凶。卦辞精解:在下顺从,上下相应。 【初六】爻辞:有比之,无咎。有盈,终来有它吉。初六精解:与人亲辅,充满诚信。【六二】爻辞:比之自内,贞吉。六二精解:诚心亲辅,正而得计。【六三】爻辞:比之匪人。六三精解:亲辅坏人,悲伤失策。【六四】爻辞:外比之,贞吉六四精解:亲辅贤人,正而得计。【九五】爻辞:显比,王用三驱,失前禽,邑人不诫,吉。九五精解:光大亲辅,施于人。【上六】爻辞:比之无首,凶。上六精解:无始无终,亲辅失策。 道德經Wisdom60】60道莅天下 治大国若烹小鲜 以道莅天下 其鬼不神 其神不伤人 圣人亦不伤人 夫两不相伤 故德交归焉 Ruling a large country is like cooking a small fish - no action, no movement, no speech, no harm. Using the Tao to manage the world, then its demons have no power; its gods do not harm people; the sages also do not harm people. They both do no harm to one another. So harmony merges and returns.
9卦【风天小畜】 巽上乾下 《序卦传》:比必有所畜,故受之以小畜。【小畜卦】卦辞:小畜,亨。密云不雨,自我西郊。卦辞精解:稍有畜积,尚不能用 【初九】爻辞:复自道,何其咎,吉。初九精解:自复畜道,无咎得计。【九二】爻辞:牵复,吉。九二精解:同复畜道,不自有失。【九三】爻辞:舆说辐,夫妻反目。九三精解:刚而不进,受制于柔。【六四】爻辞:有孚,血去惕出,无咎。六四精解:畜养诚信,无害无忧。【九五】爻辞:有孚如,富以其邻。九五精解:诚信及人,财富共享。【上九】爻辞:既雨既处,尚德载。妇贞厉,月几望。君子征凶。上九精解:物质畜积,过丰危险。 道德經Wisdom44】44知足知止 名与身孰亲 身与货孰多 故知足不辱 知止不殆 可以长久 Fame or health, which is dearer? Health or wealth, which is greater? Knowing contentment avoids disgrace. Knowing when to stop avoids danger. Thus one can have lasting happiness.
10卦【天泽履】 乾上兑下 《序卦传》:物畜然后有礼,故受之以履;履者,礼也。【履卦】卦辞:履,履虎尾,不咥人,享卦辞精解:分辨上下,安定民心。 【初九】爻辞:素履,往无咎。初九精解:不受干扰,独行己愿。【九二】爻辞:履道坦坦,幽人贞吉。九二精解:幽独之人,道路平阔。 【六三】爻辞:眇能视,跛能履,履虎尾,咥人,凶。武人为于大君。六三精解:见解不明,有害于人。【九四】爻辞:履虎尾,想想,终吉。九四精解:实践戒惧,终必得计。 【九五】爻辞:夬履,贞厉。九五精解:刚愎自用,虽正而危。 【上九】爻辞:视履考祥,其旋元吉。上九精解:审查实践,考核得失。 道德經Wisdom27】善行无迹 善行无辙迹 善言无瑕谪 善数不用筹策 善闭无关楗而不可开 善结无绳约而不可解 Good deed does not leave tracks. Good speech does not seek faults. Good reckoning does not use counters. Good closure needs no bar and yet cannot be opened. Good knot needs no rope and yet cannot be untied.
11卦【地天泰】 坤上乾下 《序卦传》:履而泰,然后安, 故受之以泰;泰者,通也。【泰卦】卦辞:泰,小往大来,吉。卦辞精解:内健外顺,上下一体。 【初九】爻辞:拔茅茹,以其汇,征吉。初九精解:同类仕进,以行其道。【九二】爻辞:包荒,用冯河,不遐遗。朋亡,得尚于中行。九二精解:不远失君,舍弃暱友。【九三】爻辞:无平不陂,无往不复,艰贞无咎。勿恤其孚,于食有福。九三 精解:盛极必衰,不可置疑。【六四】爻辞:翩翩,不富以其邻,不戒以孚。六四精解:不富得邻,不诚 得信。【六五】爻辞:帝乙归妹,以祉元吉。六五精解:贤明帝王,嫁女幸福。【上六】爻辞:城复于隍,勿用师。自邑告命,贞。上六精解:泰极否来,不可用兵。 道德經Wisdom58】58福祸相依 祸兮 福之所倚 福兮 祸之所伏 孰知其极 其无正也 Misfortune is what fortune depends upon. Fortune is where misfortune hides beneath. Who knows their ultimate end, or if they have no determined outcome?
12卦【天地否】 乾上坤下 《序卦传》:物不可以终通,故受之以否 【否卦】卦辞:否之匪人,不利君子贞,大往小来。卦辞精解:上下闭塞,必须守正。 【初六】爻辞:拔茅茹,以其汇,贞吉,亨。初六精解:小人同类,顺从君子。 【六二】爻辞:包承,小人吉,大人否,亨。六二精解:包容承顺,大人不可。 【六三】爻辞:包羞。六三精解:包容小人,是可羞耻。 【九四】爻辞:有命无咎,畴离祉。九四精解:承受上命,共事明主。 【九五】爻辞:休否,大人吉,其亡其亡,系于苞桑。九五精解:逆运虽已,宜戒惧。【上九】爻辞:倾否,先否后喜。上九精解:逆运终止,后有喜悦。 道德經Wisdom58】58福祸相依 其政闷闷 其民淳淳 其政察察 其民缺缺 祸兮 福之所倚 福兮 祸之所伏 孰知其极 其无正也 Misfortune is what fortune depends upon. Fortune is where misfortune hides beneath. Who knows their ultimate end, or if they have no determined outcome?
13卦【天火同人】 乾上离下 《序卦传》:物不可以终否,故受之以同人。【同人卦】卦辞:同人于野,亨利涉大川,利君子贞。卦辞精解:正道合群,能解困难。 【初九】爻辞:同人于门,无咎。初九精解:合群无私,没有差错。 【六二】爻辞:同人于宗,吝。六二精解:合群狭隘,令人惋惜。 【九三】爻辞:伏戎于莽,升其高陵,三岁不兴。九三精解:伏藏兵戎,绝不合群。【九四】爻辞:乘其墉,弗克攻,吉。九四精解:意欲攻击,更不合群。 【九五】爻辞:同人,先号眺而后笑,大师克,相遇。九五精解:合群不易,要經奋斗。【上九】爻辞:同人于郊,无悔。上九精解:合群广远,无可懊悔。 道德經Wisdom66】66不争之争 江海之所以能为百谷王者 以其善下之 故能为百谷王 是以圣人欲上民 必以言下之Rivers and oceans can be the kings of a hundred valleys. Because of their goodness in staying low, so they can be the kings of a hundred valleys. Thus if sages wish to be over people, they must speak humbly to them
14卦【火天大有】 离上乾下 《序卦传》:与人同者,物必归焉,故受之以大有 【大有卦】卦辞:大有,元亨。卦辞精解:遏恶扬善,顺天应命。 【初九】爻辞:无害,匪咎,艰则无咎。初九精解:尚无伤害,艰难警惕。【九四】爻辞:匪其彭,无咎。九四精解:丰盛不极,没有差错。【九三】爻辞:公用于天子,小人弗克。九三精解:有才德者,享受富贵。【九二】爻辞:大车以载,有攸往,无咎。九二精解:能有为者,促进丰盛。【六五】爻辞:厥孚交如,威如,吉。六五精解:诚信交往,应有威严。【上九】爻辞:自天佑之,吉无不利。上九精解:上天保佑,极为得计。 道德經Wisdom66】66不争之争 江海之所以能为百谷王者 以其善下之 故能为百谷王 是以圣人欲上民 必以言下之Rivers and oceans can be the kings of a hundred valleys. Because of their goodness in staying low, so they can be the kings of a hundred valleys. Thus if sages wish to be over people, they must speak humbly to them
15卦【地山谦】 坤上艮下 《序卦传》:有大者,不可以盈,故受之以谦。【谦卦】卦辞:谦,亨。君子有终。卦辞精解:减多益寡,自能受益。 【初六】爻辞:谦谦君子,用涉大川,吉。初六精解:德谦君子,克服困难。【六二】爻辞:鸣谦,贞吉。六二精解:著称的谦,正而得计。配料 【九三】爻辞:劳谦,君子有终,吉。九三精解:有功的谦,终能受益。【六四】爻辞:无不利,谦。六四精解:发挥谦德,没有不利。 【六五】爻辞:不富以其邻,利用侵伐,无不利。六五精解:谦德极盛,要施威武。【上六】爻辞:鸣谦,利用行师,征邑国。上六精解:过分卑逊,仅治小事。 道德經Wisdom08 09】08上善若水 水善利万物而不争 处众人之所恶 故几于道 The highest goodness resembles water. Water greatly benefits myriad things without contention. It stays in places that people dislike, therefore it is similar to the Tao 09持而盈之 不如其已 富贵而骄 自遗其咎 功成身退 天之道也 Holding a cup and overfilling it, cannot be as good as stopping short. Wealth and position bring arrogance, and leave disasters upon oneself. When achievement is completed, fame is attained, withdraw oneself, this is the Tao of Heaven
16卦【雷地豫】 震上坤下 《序卦传》:有大而能谦必豫,故受之以豫。 【豫卦】卦辞:豫,利建侯行师。卦辞精解:顺理行动,众人服从。 【初六】爻辞:鸣豫,凶。初六精解:自鸣得意,和乐失策。【六二】爻辞:介于石,不终日,贞吉。六二精解:和乐逢迎,必将后悔。【六三】爻辞:盱豫,悔。迟,有悔。六三精解:操守坚定,不溺于乐。 【九四】爻辞:由豫,大有得。勿疑,朋盍簪。九四精解:和乐有自,大有获得。【六五】爻辞:贞疾,恒不死。六五精解:乐不忘忧,常能存在。】 【上六】爻辞:冥豫成,有渝,无咎。上六精解:和乐至极,必将生悲。 道德經Wisdom76】76大而能谦必豫 人之生也柔弱 其死也坚强 草木之生也柔脆 其死也枯槁 故坚强者死之徒 柔弱者生之徒 是以兵强则灭 木强则折 强大处下 柔弱处上 While alive, the body is soft and pliant; when dead, it is hard and rigid. All living things, grass and trees, While alive, are soft and supple; when dead, become dry and brittle. Thus that which is hard and stiff is the follower of death. That which is soft and yielding is the follower of life. Therefore, an inflexible army will not win. A strong tree will be cut down. The big and forceful occupy a lowly position, while the soft and pliant occupy a higher place.
17卦【泽雷随】 兑上震下 《序卦传》:豫必有随,故受之以随。【随卦】卦辞:随,元亨利贞,无咎。卦辞精解:随从卑下,必须守正。 【六二】爻辞:系小子,失丈夫。六二精解:接近小人,随从不当。 【初九】爻辞:官有渝,贞吉。出门交有功。初九精解:主管变动,无私交往。 【六三】爻辞:系丈夫,失小子。随有求,得,利居贞。六三精解:接近君子,随从要正。【九四】爻辞:随有获,贞凶。有在道以明,何咎?九四精解:诚信有道,随从有得。【九五】爻辞:浮于嘉,吉。九五精解:诚信于心,随至嘉美。【上六】爻辞:拘系之,乃从维之,王用享于西山。上六精解:用竭诚心,求人相随。 道德經Wisdom68】68随不争之德 善为士者 不武 善战者 不怒 善胜敌者 不与 善用人者 为之下 是谓不争之德 是谓用人之力 是谓配天古之极 The great generals are not warlike. The great warriors do not get angry. Those who are good at defeating enemies do not easily engage them. Those who are good at managing people lower themselves. It is called the virtue of non-contention. It is called the power of managing people. It is called being harmonious with Heaven.
18卦【山风蛊】 艮上巽下 《序卦传》:以喜随人者必有事, 故受之以蛊;蛊者,事也。 【蛊卦】卦辞:蛊,元亨,利涉大川。先甲三日,后甲三日。卦辞精解:败坏之后,必有整饬。 【初六】爻辞:干父之蛊,有子,考无咎,厉终吉。初六精解:整饬精神,要用新人。【九二】爻辞:干母之蛊,不可贞。九二精解:整饬物质,不可固执。【六四】爻辞:裕父之蛊,往见。六四精解:宽容精神,将有惋惜。【九三】爻辞:干父之蛊,小有悔,无大咎。九三精解:整饬精神,稍有懊悔。【六五】爻辞:干父之蛊,用誉。六五精解:整饬精神,用人得誉。 【上九】爻辞:不事王侯,高尚其事。上九精解:没有败坏,不需整饬。 道德經Wisdom16 12】16致虚守静 Attain the ultimate emptiness. Hold on to the truest tranquility 12杜外养中 五色令人目盲 五音令人耳聋 五味令人口爽 是以圣人为腹不为目 故去彼取此 The five colors make one blind in the eyes. The five sounds make one deaf in the ears. The five flavors make one tasteless in the mouth. Therefore the sages care for the stomach and not the eyes. That is why they discard the other and take this
19卦【地泽临】 坤上兑下 《序卦传》:有事而后可大,故受之以临;临者,大也。【临卦】卦辞:临,元亨利贞,至于八月有凶。卦辞精解:礼贤下士,及时而为。 【初九】爻辞:咸临,贞吉。初九精解:感应临近,正而得计。【九二】爻辞:咸临,吉,无不利。九二精解:感应临近,得计有利。 【六三】爻辞:甘临,无攸利。既忧之,无咎。六三精解:甜言谄媚,临近无益。【六四】爻辞:至临,无咎。六四精解:亲切临近,没有差错。 【六五】爻辞:知临,大君之宜,吉。六五精解:明智临近,大君所宜。 【上六】爻辞:敦临,吉,无咎。上六精解:敦厚临近,得计无咎 道德經Wisdom59】59修道 治人事天 莫若啬 夫唯啬 是谓早服 早服谓之重积德 重积德则无不克 无不克则莫知其极 莫知其极 可以有国 有国之母 可以长久 是谓根深固柢 长生久视之道 In serving people and cultivating health, there is nothing like conservation (no action). Only with conservation is it called submitting to Tao early. Submitting to Tao early is called emphasis on accumulating virtues. Accumulating virtues so there is nothing one cannot overcome. When there is nothing that one cannot overcome, one's limits are unknown. The limitations being unknown, one can possess sovereignty. With this powerful principle, one can be everlasting. These are deep roots and firm foundation: the Tao of longevity and lasting governing.
20卦【风地观】 巽上坤下 《序卦传》:物大然后可观,故受之以观。【观卦】卦辞:观,而不荐,有孚,颙若。卦辞精解:观察民情,创立教化。 【初六】爻辞:童观,小人无咎,君子吝。初六精解:观察幼稚,君子不为。【六二】爻辞:窥观,利女贞。六二精解:由门偷看,女子正道。【六三】爻辞:观我生,进退。六三精解:自身反省,以凭进退。【六四】爻辞:观国之光,利用宾于王。六四精解:观国之光,以求仕进。【九五】爻辞:观我生,君子无咎。九五精解:自己反省,始为君子。【上九】爻辞:观其生,君子无咎。上九精解:旁观他人,始为君子。 道德經Wisdom33】33自知自强 知人者智 自知者明 胜人者有力 自胜者强 知足者富 强行者有志 不失其所者久 死而不亡者寿 Those who understand others are intelligent. Those who understand themselves are enlightened. Those who overcome others have strength. Those who overcome themselves are powerful. Those who know contentment are wealthy. Those who proceed vigorously have willpower. Those who do not lose their base endure. Those who die but do not perish have longevity
21卦【火雷噬嗑】 离上震下 《序卦传》:可观而后有所合, 故受之以噬嗑;嗑者,合也。【噬嗑卦】卦辞:噬嗑,亨利用狱。卦辞精解:明定刑罚,宣布法令。 【初九】爻辞:屦校灭趾,无咎。初九精解:足部刑具,惩治小罪。【六二】爻辞:噬肤,灭鼻,无咎。六二精解:头部刑具,惩治大罪。【六三】爻辞:噬腊肉,遇毒,小吝,无咎。六三精解:惩治强悍,反受其害。【九四】爻辞:噬干肺,得金矢,利艰贞,吉。九四精解:惩治极悍,遇着反击。【六五】爻辞:噬干肉,得黄金,贞厉,无咎。六五精解:惩治罪人,需要中正。【上九】爻辞:何校灭耳,凶。上九精解:头部刑具,惩治极恶。 道德經Wisdom63】63报怨以德 为无为 事无事 味无味 大小多少 报怨以德 图难于其易 为大于其细 天下难事 必作于易 天下大事 必作于细 是以圣人终不为大 故能成其大 Act without action. Manage without meddling. Taste without tasting. Small makes big; few makes many. Respond to hatred with good examples. Plan difficult tasks through the simplest tasks. Achieve large tasks through the smallest tasks. The difficult tasks of the world must be handled through the simple tasks. The large tasks of the world must be handled through the small tasks. Therefore, sages never attempt great deeds at once.
22卦【山火贲】 艮上离下 《序卦传》:物不可以苟合而已, 故受之以贲;贲者,饰也。【贲卦】卦辞:贲,亨。小利有攸往。卦辞精解:修明庶政,慎重断狱。 【初九】爻辞:贲其趾,舍车而徒。初九精解:必要修饰,以利进行。【六二】爻辞:贲其须。六二精解:文饰品德,随贤兴起。【九三】爻辞:贲如濡如,永贞吉。九三精解:文饰润泽,宜永守正。【六四】爻辞:贲如皤如,白马翰如。匪寇,婚媾。六四精解:急于嫁娶,文饰人生。【六五】爻辞:贲于丘园,束帛戋戋。齐,终吉。六五精解:礼贤下士,得赠薄礼。【上九】爻辞:白贲,无咎。上九精解:返朴还真,没有差错。 道德經Wisdom05】贲bi-文饰为需 天地不仁 以万物为刍狗 圣人不仁 以百姓为刍狗 Heaven and Earth are impartial, they regard myriad things as straw dogs. The sages are impartial, they regard people as straw dogs. Straw dogs are respected when needed, yet disgarded when not needed.
23卦【山地剥】 艮上坤下 《序卦传》:致饰然后享,则尽矣,故受之以剥;剥者,剥也。【剥卦】卦辞:剥,不利有攸往。卦辞精解:对下宽厚,上才安固。 【初六】爻辞:剥床以足,蔑贞凶。初六精解:安身之所,基层剥落。【六二】爻辞:剥床以辨,蔑贞凶。六二精解:安身之所,支干剥落。【六三】爻辞:剥之,无咎。六三精解:脱离小人,呼应君子。【六四】爻辞:剥床以肤,凶。六四精解:安身之所,有切肤患。【六五】爻辞:贯鱼,以宫人宠,无不利。六五精解:率众群小,听命君子。【上九】爻辞:硕果不食,君子得舆,小人剥庐。上九精解:一线生机,小人破坏。 道德經Wisdom46】贲极剥始 硕果不食 知足常足: 天下有道 却走马以粪 天下无道 戎马生于郊 祸莫大于不知足 咎莫大于欲得 故知足之足 常足矣 When the world has the Tao, fast horses are retired to till the soil. When the world lacks the Tao, warhorses give birth on the battlefield. There is no crime greater than greed. No disaster greater than wanting more than the reasonable. No fault greater than excessive happiness. Thus the contentment of normal gains is the lasting satisfaction.
24卦【地雷复】 坤上震下 《序卦传》:物不可以终尽, 剥穷上反下,故受之以复。【复卦】卦辞:复,亨。出入无疾,朋来无咎。反复其道,七日来复。利有攸往。卦辞精解:一阳初复,万物生机。 【初九】爻辞:不远复,无袛悔,元吉。初九精解:有过即改,不致后悔。【六二】爻辞:休复,吉。六二精解:向善得计,下附于仁。【六三】爻辞:频复,厉,无咎。六三精解:屡屡改,危而无错。【六四】爻辞:中行独复。六四精解:单独迁善,中正独行。【六五】爻辞:敦复,无悔。六五精解:择善固执,没有懊悔。 【上六】爻辞:迷复,凶,有灾。用行师,终有大败,以其国君凶,至于十 年不克征。上六精解:执迷不悟,必有灾祸。 道德經Wisdom50】50出生入死 生之徒 十有三 死之徒 十有三 人之生 动之于死地 亦十有三 夫何故 以其生生之厚 The people of long lives, three in ten. The people of short lives, three in ten. Those whose long lives move to short lives, also three in ten. Why? Because they live lives of not following Tao. I've heard of those who are good at cultivating lives, one in ten.
25卦【天雷无妄】 乾上震下 《序卦传》:复则不妄矣,故受之以无妄。【无妄卦】卦辞:无妄,元亨利贞。其匪正有,不利有攸往。卦辞精解:顺合天时,生育万物。 【初九】爻辞:无妄,往吉。初九精解:至诚而律,得遂心意。 【六二】爻辞:不耕获,不菑畬,则利有攸往。六二精解:只顾耕耘,不问收获。【六三】爻辞:无妄之灾,或系之牛,行人之得,邑人之灾。六三精解:意外事件,无妄之灾。【九四】爻辞:可贞,无咎。九四精解:应当固守,没有差错。 【九五】爻辞:无妄之疾,勿药有喜。九五精解:无妄之疾,勿药自愈。 【上九】爻辞:无妄,行有眚,无利。上九精解:轻举妄动,没有好处。 道德經Wisdom50】50出生入死 生之徒 十有三 死之徒 十有三 人之生 动之于死地 亦十有三 夫何故 以其生生之厚 The people of long lives, three in ten. The people of short lives, three in ten. Those whose long lives move to short lives, also three in ten. Why? Because they live lives of not following Tao. I've heard of those who are good at cultivating lives, one in ten.
26卦【山天大畜】 艮上乾下 《序卦传》:有无妄然后可 畜,故受之以大畜。【大畜卦】卦辞:大畜,利贞,不家食,吉,利涉大川。卦辞精解:刚健笃实,素养日增。 【初九】爻辞:有厉,利己。初九精解:进有危险,应该停止。 【九二】爻辞:舆说。九二精解:车脱离,不能前进。 【九三】爻辞:良马逐,利艰贞。日闲舆卫,利有攸往。九三精解:良马奔逐,不可妄动。【六四】爻辞:童牛之牿,元吉。六四精解:小牛横木,易制刚性。 【六五】爻辞:豨之牙,吉。六五精解:去势雄猪,易制刚性。 【上九】爻辞:何天之衢,亨。上九精解:青云得志,无往不利。 道德經Wisdom81】81无往不利 利而不害 信言不美 美言不信 善者不辩 辩者不善 知者不博 博者不知 圣人不积 既以为人己愈有 既以与人己愈多 天之道 利而不害 圣人之道 为而不争 True words are not beautiful. Beautiful words are not true. Those who are good do not debate. Those who debate are not good. Those who know do not talk much. Those who talk much do not know. Sages do not accumulate words: the more they assist others, the more they keep to themselves. The more they give to others, the more they gain internally. The Tao of heaven: benefits and does no harm. The Tao of sages: assists and does not contend.
27卦【山雷颐】 艮上震下 《序卦传》:物畜然后可养,故受之以颐;颐者,养也。【颐卦】卦辞:颐,贞吉。观颐,自求口实。卦辞精解:谨慎言语,节制饮食。 【初九】爻辞:舍尔灵龟,观我朵颐,凶。初九精解:能自颐养,不可求人。【六二】爻辞:颠颐,拂經于丘颐,征凶。六二精解:上求下养,违背常理。【六三】爻辞:拂颐,贞凶,十年勿用,无攸利。六三精解:颐养无道,真正失策。【六四】爻辞:颠颐,吉。虎视眈眈,其欲逐逐,无咎。六四精解:上求下 养,措施光明。【六五】爻辞:拂經,居贞吉,不可涉大川。六五精解:颐养无道,不可冒进。 【上九】爻辞:由颐,厉吉。利涉大川。上九精解:由此颐养,宜怀戒惧。 道德經Wisdom44】44名与身孰亲 身与货孰多 故知足不辱 知止不殆 可以长久 Fame or health, which is dearer? Health or wealth, which is greater? Knowing contentment avoids disgrace. Knowing when to stop avoids danger. Thus one can have joy indefinitely.
28卦【泽风大过】 兑上巽下 《序卦传》:不养则不可动, 故受之以大过。【大过卦】卦辞:大过,栋桡,利有攸往,享。卦辞精解:特立独行,无所畏惧。 【初六】爻辞:借用白茅,无咎。初六精解:在下过软,没有差错。 【九二】爻辞:枯杨生梯,老夫得其女妻,无不利。九二精解:老夫少妻,过而谐和。【九三】爻辞:栋桡,凶。九三精解:刚愎失策,不得人助。【九四】爻辞:栋隆,吉。有它。九四精解:有所作为,且要专注。 【九五】爻辞:杨生华,老妇得其士夫,无咎无誉。九五精解:老妇少夫,无咎无誉。【上六】爻辞:过涉灭顶,凶,无咎。上六精解:小人失败,不应怨尤。 道德經Wisdom72】72民不畏威 则大威至 无狎其所居 无厌其所生 夫唯不厌 是以不厌 是以圣人自知不自见 自爱不自贵 When people no longer fear force, they bring about greater force. Do not disregard their feeling. Do not block their way of making a living. Because the ruler does not disregard them, they do not reject the ruler. Therefore the sages know themselves but do not glorify themselves; respect themselves but do not praise themselves.
29卦【坎为水】 坎上坎下 《序卦传》:物不可以终过, 故受之以坎,坎者,陷也。 【坎卦】卦辞:习坎,有孚,维心,亨。行有尚。卦辞精解:常保素养,熟习教化。 【初六】爻辞:习坎,入于坎宿,凶。初六精解:在重险中,入于深处。 【九二】爻辞:坎有险,求小得。九二精解:坎陷危险,求稍出险。 【六三】爻辞:来之坎坎,险且枕,入于坎宿,勿用。六三精解:进退皆险,复依奸人。【六四】爻辞:樽酒,簋貳,用缶,纳约自牖,终无咎。六四精解:重视精神,终可出险。【九五】爻辞:坎不盈,袛既平,无咎。九五精解:坎险未平,不能出险。 【上六】爻辞:系用徽墨,置于从棘,三岁不得,凶。上六精解:大罪的人,监禁三年。 道德經Wisdom43】43无为之益 天下之至柔 驰骋天下之至坚 无有入无间 吾是以知无为之有益 不言之教 无为之益 天下希及之 The softest things of the world can override the hardest things of the world. That which has no substance can enter into that which has no openings. From this I know the benefits of no action. Teach without words. The benefits of no action are rarely known in the world.
30卦【离为火】 离上离下 《序卦传》:陷必有所丽,故受之以离;离者,丽也。【离卦】卦辞:离,利贞,亨。畜牧牛,吉。卦辞精解:不断明贤,照耀四方。 【初九】爻辞:履错,然,敬之,无咎。初九精解:行履错乱,慎重从事。【六二】爻辞:黄离,元吉。六二精解:黄色光明,以得中道。【九三】爻辞:日之离,不鼓而歌,则大耋之嗟,凶。九三精解:已过中年,勿嗟老大。【九四】爻辞:突如其来如,焚如,死如,弃如。九四精解:道不光明,不为人容。【六五】爻辞:出涕若,戚嗟若,吉。六五精解:忧伤嗟叹,知所警惕。 【上九】爻辞:王用出征,有嘉折首,获匪其丑,无咎。上九精解:折取魁首,不究附从。 道德經Wisdom51】51提升知识品德 尊道贵德: 道生之 德畜之 物形之 势成之 是以万物莫不尊道而贵德 道之尊 德之贵 夫莫之命 而常自然 Tao gives them birth, Teh (character) fosters them. The material world gives them form. The circumstances of the moment complete them. Therefore all things of the universe worship Tao and exalt Teh. Tao is worshipped and Teh is exalted. Without anyone's order but is so of its own accord. Therefore Tao gives them birth, Teh fosters them, makes them grow, develops them, gives them a harbor, a place to dwell in peace, feeds them and shelter them. It gives them birth and does not own them, acts (helps) and does not appropriate them, is superior, and does not control them - This is the Mystic Virtue.
31卦【泽山咸】 兑上艮下 《序卦传》:有万物然后有男 女,有男女然后有夫妇。【咸卦】卦辞:咸,亨利贞,取女吉。卦辞精解:人心感应,天下和谐。 【初六】爻辞:咸其拇。初六精解:在感之初,不能动人。【水】 【六二】爻辞:咸其腓,凶,居吉。六二精解:感时宜静,不动得计。 【九三】爻辞:咸其股,执其随,往吝。九三精解:随人而动,所执卑下。 【九四】爻辞:贞吉,悔亡。憧憧往来,朋从尔思。九四精解:心志不定,所感不多。【九五】爻辞:咸其脢,无悔。九五精解:志在微末,不能感人。 【上六】爻辞:咸其辅颊舌。上六精解:仅凭口舌,不能感人。 道德經Wisdom07】07心心相印 天长地久: The universe is everlasting. The reason the universe is everlasting is that it does not live for Self. Therefore it can long endure. Therefore the Sage puts himself last, and finds himself in the foremost place; Regards his body as accidental, and his body is thereby preserved. Is it not because he does not live for Self that his Self is realized?
32卦【雷风恒】 震上巽下 《序卦传》:夫妇之道不可以不久也,故受之以恒;恒者,久也。 【恒卦】卦辞:恒,亨,无咎,利贞,利有攸往。卦辞精解:立身处事,不改常道。 【初六】爻辞:浚恒,贞凶,无攸利。初六精解:凡事起始,莫求常道。【九二】爻辞:悔亡。九二精解:常守中道,没有懊悔。【九三】爻辞:不恒其德,或承之羞,贞。九三精解:变节受辱,令人惋惜。【九四】爻辞:田无禽。九四精解:职位不当,徒劳无功。 【六五】爻辞:恒其德,贞。妇人吉,夫子凶。六五精解:长守柔顺,只宜女人。【上六】爻辞:振恒,凶。上六精解:在上位者,莫动失恒。 道德經Wisdom07】07天长地久: The universe is everlasting. The reason the universe is everlasting is that it does not live for Self. Therefore it can long endure. Therefore the Sage puts himself last, and finds himself in the foremost place; Regards his body as accidental, and his body is thereby preserved. Is it not because he does not live for Self that his Self is realized?
33卦【天山遁】 乾上艮下 《序卦传》:物不可以久居其所,故受之以遁;遁者,退也。【遁卦】卦辞:遁,亨,小利贞。卦辞精解:远避小人,随机行止。 【初六】爻辞:遁尾,厉,勿用有攸往。初六精解:遁应机先,不然莫遁。 【六二】爻辞:执之,用黄牛之革,莫之胜说。六二精解:坚持退避,不能改变。【九三】爻辞:系遁,有疾厉。畜臣妾,吉。九三精解:恋旧不遁,将有危害。【九四】爻辞:好遁,君子吉,小人否。九四精解:弃爱而遁,富有机智。 【九五】爻辞:嘉遁,贞吉。九五精解:美好的遁,心志正当。 【上九】爻辞:肥遁,无不利。上九精解:宽裕的,没有不利。 道德經Wisdom09】09功遂身退 持而盈之 不如其已 揣而锐之 不可长保 金玉满堂 莫之能守 富贵而骄 自遗其咎 功成身退 天之道也 Holding a cup and overfilling it, cannot be as good as stopping short. Pounding a blade and sharpening it, cannot be kept for long. Gold and jade fill up the room, no one is able to protect them. Wealth and position bring arrogance, and leave disasters upon oneself. When achievement is completed, fame is attained, withdraw oneself, this is the Tao of Heaven
34卦【雷天大壮】 震上乾下 《序卦传》:物不可以终遁,故受之以大壮。【大壮卦】卦辞:大壮,利贞。卦辞精解:健壮正直,不践非礼。 【初九】爻辞:壮于趾,征凶,有孚。初九精解:旺盛之初,行动莫猛。 【九二】爻辞:贞吉。九二精解:正固得计,以守中道。 【九三】爻辞:小人用壮,君子用罔,贞厉。羝羊触藩,羸其角。九三精解:小人逞强,受制于人。【九四】爻辞:贞吉,悔亡。藩决不羸,壮于大舆之。九四精解:正固得计,前途无阻。【六五】爻辞:丧羊于易,无悔。六五精解:对于刚者,宜制以柔。 【上六】爻辞:羝羊触藩,不能退,不能遂,无攸利。艰则吉。上六精解:旺盛躁进,不能进退。 道德經Wisdom57】57合理调整 大壮治国之道: 以正治国 以奇用兵 以无事取天下 吾何以知其然哉 以此 天下多忌讳 而民弥贫 人多利器 国家滋昏 人多伎巧 奇物滋起 法令滋彰 盗贼多有 故圣人云 "我无为 而民自化 我好静 而民自正 我无事 而民自富 我无欲 而民自朴" Rule a kingdom by the Normal. Fight a battle by ( abnormal) tactics of surprise. Win the world by doing nothing. How do I know it is so? Through this: - The more prohibitions there are, the poorer the people become. The more sharp weapons there are, the greater the chaos in the state. The more skills of technique, the more cunning things are produced. The greater the number of statutes, the greater the number of thieves and brigands. Therefore the sage says: I do nothing and the people are reformed of themselves. I love quietude and the people are righteous of themselves. I deal in no business and the people grow rich by themselves. I have no desires and the people are simple and honest by themselves.
35卦【火地晋】 离上坤下 《序卦传》:物不可以终壮, 故受之以晋;晋者,进也。 【晋卦】卦辞:晋,康侯用锡马蕃庶,昼日三接。卦辞精解:柔顺上进,光明素养。 【初六】爻辞:晋如,摧如,贞吉。罔孚,裕无咎。初六精解:晋而抑退,宽容处之。【六二】爻辞:晋如,愁如,贞吉。受兹介福,于其王母。六二精解:晋而忧虑,乃获大福。【六三】爻辞:众允,悔亡。六三精解:为众信孚,始得晋升。 【九四】爻辞:晋如鼫鼠,贞厉。九四精解:才德不称,晋而危险。【六五】爻辞:悔亡,失得勿恤。往吉,无不利。九五精解:不顾得失,晋升就好。【上九】爻辞:晋其角,维用伐邑,厉吉,无咎。贞。上九精解:晋至极 点,只能小用。 道德經Wisdom63】63兴盛不衰之道 宽以待人 报怨以德: 为无为 事无事 味无味 大小多少 报怨以德 图难于其易 为大于其细 天下难事 必作于易 天下大事 必作于细 是以圣人终不为大 故能成其大 夫轻诺必寡信 多易必多难 是以圣人犹难之 故终无难矣 Accomplish do-nothing. Attend to no-affairs. Taste the flavorless. Whether it is big or small, many or few, requite hatred with virtue. Deal with the difficult while yet it is easy; Deal with the big while yet it is small. The difficult (problems) of the world must be dealt with while they are yet easy; The great (problems) of the world must be dealt with while they are yet small. Therefore the Sage by never dealing with great (problems) accomplishes greatness. He who lightly makes a promise will find it often hard to keep his faith. He who makes light of many things Will encounter many difficulties. Hence even the Sage regards things as difficult, and for that reason never meets with difficulties..
36卦【地火明夷】 坤上离下 《序卦传》:进必有所伤,故受之以明夷;夷者,伤也。【明夷卦】卦辞:明夷,利艰贞。卦辞精解:暗藏明哲,愈能彰明。 【初九】爻辞:明夷于飞,垂其翼。君子于行,三日不食,有攸往,主人有 言。初九精解:受人伤害,未展长才。【六二】爻辞:明夷,夷于左股,用拯马壮,吉。六二精解:受伤不重,宜速离去。【九三】爻辞:明夷于南狩,得其大首。不可疾贞。九三精解:征伐除害,莫急纠正。【六四】爻辞:入于左腹,获明夷之心,于出门庭。六四精解:知伤明哲,远去避之。【六五】爻辞:箕子之明夷,利贞。六五精解:处置伤明,应该守正。【上六】爻辞:不明晦,初登于天,后入于地。上六精解:初登高位,终陷黑暗。 道德經Wisdom71】71心地光明保全自己 深藏不露: 知不知 上矣 不知知 病也 圣人不病 以其病病 夫唯病病 是以不病 Who knows that he does not know is the highest; who (pretends to) know what he does not know is sick-minded. And who recognizes sick-mindedness as sick-mindedness is not sick-minded. The Sage is not sick-minded. Because he recognizes sick-mindedness as sick-mindness, he is not sick-minded.
37卦【风火家人】 巽上离下 《序卦传》:伤于外者必反于家,故受之以家人。【家人卦】卦辞:家人,利女贞。卦辞精解:言语据实,行为有法。 【初九】爻辞:闲有家,悔亡。初九精解:防闲于治,没有懊悔。【六二】爻辞:无攸遂,在中馈,贞吉。六二精解:无所专成,只主中馈。【九三】爻辞:家人嘀嘀,悔厉,吉。妇子嘻嘻,终。九三精解:治家严厉,优于散漫。【六四】爻辞:富家,大吉。六四精解:使家富裕,以女柔顺。 【九五】爻辞:王假有家,勿恤,吉。九五精解:王道感化,家有幸福。【上九】爻辞:有呼,威如,终吉。上九精解:诚信威严,由于反省。 道德經Wisdom53】53大道于家人: 使我介然有知 行于大道 唯施是畏 大道甚夷 而人好径 If I have a little knowledge on the great Tao, I fear only to deviate from it so be careful to share with proof. The great Tao is broad and plain, but people like the side paths.
38卦【火泽睽】 离上兑下 《序卦传》:家道穷必乖,故受之以睽睽者,乖也。【睽卦】卦辞:睽,小事吉。卦辞精解:大同之中,应有小异。 【初九】爻辞:悔亡。丧马勿逐,自复。见恶人,无咎。初九精解:既见乖离,勿急求合。【九二】爻辞:遇主于巷,无咎。九二精解:遇主于巷,未失其道。 【六三】爻辞:见舆曳,其牛掣,其人天且劓。无初有终。六三精解:初虽无得,终将有成。【九四】爻辞:睽孤,遇元夫,交,厉无咎。九四精解:乖离孤立,相待以诚。【六五】爻辞:悔亡。厥宗噬肤,往何咎?六五精解:深入易合,不睽有庆。 【上九】爻辞:睽孤,见豕负涂,载鬼一车。先张之弧,后说之弧。匪寇,婚媾。往遇雨则吉。上九精解:乖离孤立,释疑则可。 道德經Wisdom36】化睽为合 和而不争 36以柔克刚 将欲弱之 必固强之 将欲废之 必固兴之 将欲取之 必固与之 If one wishes to weaken it, one must first strengthen it. If one wishes to discard it, one must first promote it..
39卦【水山蹇】 坎上艮下 《序卦传》:乖必有难,故受 之以蹇;蹇者,难也。【蹇卦】卦辞:蹇,利西南,不利东北。利见大人,贞吉。卦辞精解:见险能止,反省修德。 【初六】爻辞:往蹇,来誉。初六精解:进有险难,退有美誉。【六二】爻辞:王臣蹇蹇,匪躬之故。六二精解:赴王之难,不顾自身。【九三】爻辞:往蹇,来反。九三精解:进有险难,归来避之。【六四】爻辞:往蹇,来连。六四精解:进有险难,连合共济。【九五】爻辞: 大蹇,朋来。九五精解:非常险难,应得友助。【上六】爻辞:往蹇,来硕。吉,利见大人。上六精解:进有险难,应求贤才。 道德經Wisdom54】54行路难止于至善: 善建者不拔 善抱者不脱 子孙以祭祀不辍 修之于身 其德乃真 修之于家 其德乃余 修之于乡 其德乃长 修之于邦 其德乃丰 修之于天下 其德乃普 故以身观身 以家观家 以乡观乡 以邦观邦 以天下观天下 吾何以知天下然哉?以此 Who is firmly established is not easily shaken. Who has a firm grasp does not easily let go. From generation to generation his ancestral sacrifices shall continue without failure. Cultivated in the individual, character will become genuine; Cultivated in the family, character will become abundant; Cultivated in the village, character will multiply; Cultivated in the state, character will prosper; Cultivated in the world, character will become universal. Therefore: according to (the character of ) the individual, judge the individual; According to (the character of ) the family, judge the family; According to (the character of ) the village, judge the village; According to (the character of ) the state, judge the state; According to (the character of ) the world, judge the world.
40卦【雷水解】 震上坎下 《序卦传》:物不可终难,故 受之以解;解者,缓也。【解卦】卦辞:解,利西南。无所往,其来复吉。有攸往,夙吉。卦辞精解:赦免过失,宽宥罪恶。 【初六】爻辞:无咎。初六精解:解决于初,没有差错。【九二】爻辞:田获三狐,得黄矢,贞吉。九二精解:利用君子,克制小人。【六三】爻辞:负且乘,致寇至,贞。六三精解:重用小人,招致失败。【九四】爻辞:解而拇,朋至斯。九四精解:解除小人,君子自至。 【六五】爻辞:君子维有解,吉。有浮于小人。六五精解:君子能解,小人信赖。【上六】爻辞:公用射隼于高墉之上,获之,无不利。上六精解:位高无权,打击小人。 道德經Wisdom16】16致虚守静: 致虚极 守静笃 万物并作 吾以观复 夫物芸芸 各复归其根 归根曰静 静曰复命 复命曰常 知常曰明 不知常 妄作凶 知常容 容乃公 公乃全 全乃天 天乃道 道乃久 没身不殆 Attain the utmost in Passivity. Hold firm to the basis of Quietude. The myriad things take shape and rise to activity, but I watch them fall back to their repose. Like vegetation that luxuriantly grows, but returns to the root (soil) from which it springs. To return to the root is Repose; It is called going back to one's Destiny. Going back to one's Destiny is to find the Eternal Law. To know the Eternal Law is Enlightenment. And not to know the Eternal Law is to court disaster. He who knows the Eternal Law is tolerant; Being tolerant, he is impartial; Being impartial, he is kingly; Being kingly, he is in accord with Nature; Being in accord with Nature, he is in accord with Tao; Being in accord with Tao, he is eternal, and his whole life is preserved from harm.
41卦【山泽损】 艮上兑下 《序卦传》:缓必有所失,故受之以损。【损卦】卦辞:损,有孚,元吉,无咎,可贞,利有攸往。曷之用? 二簋可用享。 卦辞精解:惩戒愤怒,窒塞意欲。 【初九】爻辞:已事遄往,无咎,酌损之。初九精解:停止己事,速去益人。 【九二】爻辞:利贞,征凶。弗损,益之。九二精解:守正不损,有益于人。 【六三】爻辞:三人行,则损一人。一人行,则得其友。六三精解:损应损除,益应益缺。【六四】爻辞:损其疾,使遄有喜,无咎。六四精解:速损其疾,可喜可庆。 【六五】爻辞:或益之十朋之龟,弗克违,元吉。六五精解:无心益人,确是得计。【上九】爻辞:弗损益之,无咎,贞吉,利有攸往。得臣无家。上九精解:不损自己,却利他人。 道德經Wisdom48】48 为学日益 为道日损 损之又损 以至于无为 无为而无不为 取天下常以无事 Pursue knowledge, daily gain. Pursue Tao, daily loss. Loss and more loss, until one reaches no action. With no action, there is nothing one cannot do. Take the world by constantly applying non-interference.
42卦【风雷益】 巽上震下 《序卦传》:损而不已必益,故受之以益。【益卦】卦辞:益,利有攸往,利涉大川。卦辞精解:见善则迁,有过则改。 【初九】爻辞:利用为大作,元吉,无咎。初九精解:利用益道,大有作为。 【六二】爻辞:或益之十朋之龟,弗克违,永贞吉。王用享于帝,吉。六二精 解:无心益人,大为得计。【六三】爻辞:益之用凶事,无咎。有孚中行,告公用圭。六三精解:患难临之,有益于身。【六四】爻辞:中行,告公从,利用为依迁国。六四精解:中庸行为,公众从之。【九五】爻辞:有孚惠心,勿问,元吉。有受惠我德。九五精解:施惠于人,感激我德。【上九】爻辞:莫益之,或击之。立心勿恒,凶。上九精解:不增益之,存心不常。 道德經Wisdom45】45大成若缺 其用不弊 大盈若冲 其用不穷 大直若屈 大巧若拙 大辩若讷 Great perfection seems flawed, its function is without failure. Great fullness seems empty,its function is without exhaustion. Great straightness seems bent. Great skill seems unrefined. Great eloquence seems inarticulate.
43卦【泽天夬】 兑上乾下 《序卦传》:益而不已必决, 故受之以夬;夬者,决也。【夬卦】卦辞:夬,扬于王庭,孚号有厉。告自邑,不利即戎,利有攸往。卦辞精解:施禄及下,莫以为善。 【初九】爻辞:壮于前趾,往不胜,为咎。初九精解:轻举妄动,往而不胜。【九二】爻辞:惕号,莫夜有戎,勿恤。九二精解:警惕呼号,有备无患。【九三】爻辞:壮于烦,有凶。君子夬夬独行,遇雨若濡,有愠,无咎。九三精解:坚决独往,受害遭怨。【九四】爻辞:臀无肤,其次且。牵羊悔亡,闻言不信。九四精解:行而又 止,共进无悔。【九五】爻辞:苋陆央央,中行无咎。九五精解:尽去小人,行为中正。 【六】爻辞:无号,终有凶。上六精解:无处呼号,终必失策。 道德經Wisdom73】73天之道 不争而善胜 不应而善应 不召而自来 繟然而善谋 天网恢恢,疏而不失 The Tao of Heaven: does not contend and yet excels in winning; does not speak and yet excels in responding; is not summoned and yet comes on its own; is unhurried and yet excels in planning. The heavenly net is vast, loose, and yet does not let anything slip through.
44卦【天风姤】 乾上巽下 《序卦传》:决必有所遇,故 受之以姤;姤者,遇也。【姤卦】卦辞:姤,女壮,勿用取女。卦辞精解:施行命令,诰戒四方。 【初六】爻辞:系于金,贞吉。有攸往,见凶,赢豕孚蹢躅。初六精解:小人初长,应加阻止。【九二】爻辞:包有鱼,无咎,不利宾。九二精解:阻止小人,莫害来宾。 【九三】爻辞:臀无肤,其行次且,厉,无大咎。九三精解:行路难进,无所遇合。【九四】爻辞:包无鱼,起凶。九四精解:未容下属,独立失策。【四】 【九五】爻辞:以杞包瓜,含章,有陨自天。九五精解:包容下属,下施美德。 【上九】爻辞:姤其角,吝,无咎。上九精解:在上而刚,难与人合。 道德經Wisdom36】36以柔克刚: 将欲弱之 必固强之 将欲废之 必固兴之 将欲取之 必固与之 If one wishes to weaken it, one must first strengthen it. If one wishes to discard it, one must first promote it.
45卦【泽地萃】 兑上坤下 《序卦传》:物相遇而后聚,故受之以萃;萃者,聚也。【萃卦】卦辞:,亨。王假有庙,利见大人,亨利贞。用大牲吉,利有攸往。卦辞精解:发现有才,示以诚敬。 【初六】爻辞:有不终,乃乱乃萃。若号,一握为笑。勿恤,往无咎。初六精解:诚信无终,聚集紊乱。【六二】爻辞:引言,无咎。乃利用禴。六二精解:诚心聚集,不在形式。 【六三】爻辞:萃如,嗟如,无攸利。往无咎,小吝。六三精解:无人与聚,嗟叹无益。【九四】爻辞:大吉,无咎。九四精解:居位不当,大吉无咎。【九五】爻辞:有位,无咎。匪孚,元永贞,悔亡。九五精解:不恃权位,要有诚信。【上六】爻辞:资咨涕,无咎。上六精解:求聚不能,痛悔无咎。 道德經Wisdom41】41上士闻道, 勤而行之; 中士闻道, 若存若亡; 下士闻道, 大笑之, 不笑不足以为道. When the highest type of people hear the Tao, they try hard to live in accordance with it. When the average type hear the Tao, they seem to be aware and yet unaware of it. When the lowest type hear the Tao, they break into loud laughter - If it were not laughed at, it would not be Tao.
46卦【地风升】 坤上巽下 《序卦传》:聚而上者谓之升,故受之以升。【升卦】卦辞:升,元亨。用见大人,勿恤。南征吉。卦辞精解:因时上进,有贤应援。 【初六】爻辞:允升,大吉。初六精解:得当地升,合于上志。【九二】爻辞:乃利用禴,无咎。九二精解:极为诚信,应援上进。【九三】爻辞:升虚邑。九三精解:上进无阻,无所疑惧。【六四】爻辞:王用于岐山,吉,无咎。六四精解:柔顺从事,上进享受。【六五】爻辞:贞吉,升阶。六五精解:逐步上进,得行其志。【上六】爻辞:冥升,利于不息之贞。上六精解:昏冥上进,宜正不息。 道德經Wisdom24】24修道四要 企者不立 跨者不行 自见者不明 自是者不彰 自伐者无功 自矜者不长 其在道也 曰余食赘形 物或恶之 故有道者不处 Those who are on tiptoes cannot stand. Those who straddle cannot walk. Those who flaunt themselves are not clear. Those who presume themselves are not distinguished. Those who praise themselves have no merit. Those who boast about themselves do not last. Those with the Tao call such things leftover food or tumors. They despise them. Thus, those who possesses the Tao do not engage in them.
47卦【泽水困】 兑上坎下《序卦传》:升而不已必困, 故受之以困。【困卦】卦辞:困,亨,贞,大人吉,无咎。有言不信。卦辞精解:处险而悦,守正寡言。 【初六】爻辞:臀困于株木,入于幽谷,三岁不觌。初六精解:困处黑暗,不求人知。【九二】爻辞:困于酒食,朱绂方来,利用享祀。征凶,无咎。九二精解:酒食不足,待机而动。【六三】爻辞:困于石,据于蒺藜,入于其宫,不见其妻,凶。六三精解:外 有困难,内失其妻。【九四】爻辞:来徐徐,困于金车。吝,有终。九四精解:困于富贵,终能有为。 【九五】爻辞:劓刖,困于赤绂,乃徐有说,利用祭祀。九五精解:困于禄 位,以诚脱离。【上六】爻辞:困于葛藟,于逸,曰动悔。有悔,征吉。上六精解:困于纠 缠,动而有悔。 道德經Wisdom23】23希言自然 故飘风不终朝 骤雨不终日 孰为此者 天地 天地尚不能久 而况于人乎 Nature rarely speaks. Strong wind does not last all morning. Heavy rain does not last all day. Even Heaven and Earth cannot make it last, how can difficulties of humans last long?
48卦【水风井】 坎上巽下 《序卦传》:困乎上者必反下, 故受之以井。【井卦】卦辞:井,改邑不改井,无丧无得,往来井井。至亦未繡井,贏其 瓶,凶。卦辞精解:绳入于水,引其向上。 【初六】爻辞:井泥不食,旧井无禽。初六精解:底泥莫食,废井无禽。【九二】爻辞:井谷射鲋,瓮敝漏。九二精解:井孔洩水,如器破漏。【九三】爻辞:井渫不食,为我心恻。可用级,王明并受其福。九三精解:井除污秽,尚未食用。【六四】爻辞:井,无咎。六四精解:用砖砌井,井已修治。 【九五】爻辞:井洌,寒泉食。九五精解:井水澄清,冷泉可食。 【上六】爻辞:井收,勿幕。有孚,元吉。上六精解:井已完成,公用无私。 道德經Wisdom37】道常无为 不变而通 道常无为而无不为 候王若能守之 万物将自化 化而欲作 吾将镇之以无名之朴 镇之以无名之朴 夫将不欲 不欲以静 天下将自定 The Tao is constant in non-action. Yet there is nothing it does not do. If the sovereign can hold on to this, all things shall transform themselves. Transformed, yet wishing to achieve. I shall restrain them with the simplicity of the nameless. They shall be without desire. Without desire, using stillness, the world shall be at peace itself.
49卦【泽火革】 兑上离下 《序卦传》:井道不可不革, 故受之以革。【革卦】卦辞:革,巳日乃孚,元亨利贞,悔亡。卦辞精解:革新改造,顺天应人。 【初九】爻辞:巩用黄牛之革。初九精解:改变之初,不可妄动。【六二】爻辞:巳日乃革之,征吉,无咎。六二精解:立信以后,始可改革。【九三】爻辞:征凶,贞厉。革言三就,有孚。九三精解:广求意见,审慎改革。【九四】爻辞:悔亡,有浮改命,吉。九四精解:改革天命,得计无悔。【九五】爻辞:大人虎变,未占有孚。九五精解:大人改革,令人信服。【上六】爻辞:君子豹变,小人革面,征凶,居贞吉。上六精解:继革失策, 宜居常态。 道德經Wisdom21】21革新之道 惟道是从 孔德之容 惟道是从 道之为物 惟恍惟惚 惚兮恍兮 其中有象 恍兮惚兮 其中有物 窈兮冥兮 其中有精 其精甚真 其中有信 The appearance of great virtue and examples follows only the Tao. The Tao, as a thing seems indistinct, seems unclear. So unclear, so indistinct, within it there is image. So indistinct, so unclear, within it there is substance. So deep, so profound within it there is essence. Its essence is supremely real. Within it there is faith.
50卦【火风鼎】 离上巽下《序卦传》:革物者莫若鼎,南故受之以鼎。【鼎卦】卦辞:鼎,元吉,亨。卦辞精解:端正安重,凝固使命。 【初六】爻辞:鼎颠趾,利出否。得以其子,无咎。初六精解:鼎足倾倒,利除腐物。【九二】爻辞:鼎有实,我仇有疾,不我能即,吉。九二精解:腹中有实,俱重处理。【九三】爻辞:鼎耳革,其行塞,雉膏不食。方雨亏悔,终吉。九三精解:鼎耳革除,功用丧失。【九四】爻辞:鼎折足,覆公,其形渥,凶。九四精解:鼎足折殿,倾覆公食。 【六五】爻辞:鼎黄耳金铉,利贞。六五精解:鼎内美食,发挥功用。 【上九】爻辞:鼎玉铉,大吉,无不利。上九精解:玉的工具,刚柔调济。 道德經Wisdom49】49革故鼎新 圣无常心:圣人常无心 以百姓之心为心 善者 吾善之 不善者 吾亦善之 德善 信者 吾信之 不信者 吾亦信之 德信 圣人在天下 歙歙焉为天下浑其心 百姓皆注其耳目 圣人皆孩之 The Sage has no decided opinions and feelings, but regards the people's opinions and feelings as his own. The good ones I declare good; The bad ones I also declare good. That is the goodness of Virtue. The honest ones I believe; The liars I also believe; That is the faith of Virtue. The Sage dwells in the world peacefully, harmoniously. The people of the world are brought into a community of heart, and the Sage regards them all as his own children.
51卦【震为雷】 震上震下 《序卦传》:主器者莫若长子, 故受之以震;震者,动也。【震卦】卦辞:震,亨。震来,笑言哑哑。震惊百里,不丧匕鬯。卦辞精解:恐惧警惕,始能安闲。 【初九】爻辞:震来,后笑言哑哑,吉。初九精解:先有警惕,后能从容。 【六二】爻辞:震来,厉,亿丧贝,跻于九陵,勿逐,七日得。六二精解:震撼严重,避不顾失。【六三】爻辞:震苏苏,震行无眚。六三精解:震止又起,其行无害。【九四】爻辞:震遂泥。九四精解:不能振奋,未能光大。【六五】爻辞:震往来,厉。亿无丧,有事。六五精解:往来危险,不丧其事。【上六】爻辞:震索索,视矍矍,征凶。震不于其躬,于其邻,无咎。婚媾有言。上六精解:震惧不安,应早警惕。 道德經Wisdom】17权力交接 道政合一: 太上 不知有之 其次 亲而誉之 其次 畏之 其次 侮之 信不足焉 有不信焉 悠兮 其贵言 功成事遂 百姓皆谓"我自然" Of the best rulers, the people (only) know that they exist; the next best the love and praise; the next they fear; and the next they revile. When they do not command the people's faith, some will lose faith in them, and then they resort to oaths! But (of the best) when their task is accomplished, their work done, the people all remark, "We have done it ourselves.".
52卦【艮为山】 艮上艮下 《序卦传》:物不可以终动,止 之,故受之以艮;艮者,止也。【艮卦】卦辞:艮其背,不获其身;行其庭,不见其人。无咎。卦辞精解:止中有动,动静合时。 【初六】爻辞:艮其趾,无咎,利永贞。初六精解:止动于初,宜永守正。【六二】爻辞:艮其腓,不拯其随,其心不快。六二精解:不能救上,当止则止。【九三】爻辞:艮其限,列其夤,厉熏心。九三精解:不当地止,必神不安。 【六四】爻辞:艮其身,无咎。六四精解:休止其身,独善其身。 【六五】爻辞:艮其辅,言有序,悔亡。六五精解:谨慎言语,出言有序。 【上九】爻辞:敦艮,吉。上九精解:笃实于止,敦厚而终。 道德經Wisdom11】11大忧大定 无的大用: 三十辐共一毂 当其无 有车之用 埏埴以为器 当其无 有器之用 凿户牖以为室 当其无 有室之用 故有之以为利 无之以为用 Thirty spokes unite around the nave; from their not-being (loss of their individuality) arises the utility of the wheel. Mold clay into a vessel; from its not-being (in the vessel's hollow) arises the utility of the vessel. Cut out doors and windows in the house (-wall), from their not-being (empty space) arises the utility of the house. Therefore by the existence of things we profit. And by the non-existence of things we are served.
53卦【风山渐】 巽上艮下 《序卦传》:物不可以终止,故受之以渐渐者,进也。【渐卦】卦辞:渐,女归吉,利贞。卦辞精解:止顺自然,行不穷困。 【初六】爻辞:鸿渐于干,小子厉,有言,无咎。初六精解:少年初进,受责无咎。【六二】爻辞:鸿渐于磐,饮食衎衎,吉。六二精解:饮食和乐,不尸其位。 【九三】爻辞:鸿渐于陆,夫征不复,妇孕不育,凶。利御寇。九三精解:夫征不复,妇孕不育。【六四】爻辞:鸿渐于木,或得其确,无咎。六四精解:不安于树,或安于架。 【九五】爻辞:鸿渐于陵,妇三岁不孕,终莫之胜,吉。九五精解:怀才不遇,终能有成。【上九】爻辞:鸿渐于陆,其羽可用为仪,吉。上九精解:贤人高洁,言行可法。 道德經Wisdom15】古之善为道者 微妙玄通 深不可识 混兮其若浊 孰能浊以静之徐清 孰能安以静之徐生 保此道者 不欲盈 夫唯不盈 故能蔽而新成 The Tao masters are subtle wonders through mystery, having depths that cannot be discerned. An opaque problem, like muddy water, the masters use stillness to gradually make it clear. The Tao masters can be serene yet persist in motion to gradually make it to become alive. The Tao masters do not wish to be overfilled. Because being not overfilled, one can preserve and not create anew.
54卦【雷泽归妹】 震上兑下 《序卦传》:进必有所归,故受之以归妹。【归妹卦】卦辞:归妹,征凶,无攸利。卦辞精解:天地大义,人道开始。 【初九】爻辞:归妹以娣,能履,征吉。初九精解:随姊出嫁,委屈相从。【九二】爻辞:眇能视,利幽人之贞。九二精解:地位不正,德美有为。【六三】爻辞:归妹以须,反归以娣。六三精解:反回妾身,等待出嫁。【九四】爻辞:归妹愆期,迟归有时。九四精解:出嫁过时,晚嫁待时。【六五】爻辞:帝乙归妹,其君之袂,不如其娣之袂良。月几望,吉。六五精解:帝乙嫁女,不重衣饰。【上六】爻辞:女承筐无实,士羊无血,无攸利。上六精解:出嫁未成,无何利益。 道德經Wisdom07】知敝永终 天长地久 天地之所以能长且久者 以其不自生也 故能长生 是以圣人后其身而身先 外其身而身存 非以其无私邪 故能成其私. Heaven and Earth are everlasting. The reason Heaven and Earth can last forever is that they do not exist for themselves. Thus they can last forever. Therefore the sages place themselves last; they are outside of contention and then prosper. Being unselfless is how the sages can achieve their goals of lasting forever.
55卦【雷火丰】 震上离下 《序卦传》:得其所归者必大, 故受之以丰;丰者,大也。【丰卦】卦辞:丰,亨,王假之,勿忧,宜日中。卦辞精解:照察实情,用刑惩恶。 【初九】爻辞:遇其配主,虽无咎,往有尚。初九精解:遇着配主,初丰可嘉。【六二】爻辞:丰其,日中见斗,往得疑疾。有孚发若,吉。六二精解:盛大障蔽,不宜求丰。掩蔽刚明。 【九三】爻辞:丰其沛,日中见沫。折其右肱,无咎。九三精解:盛大障蔽 【九四】爻辞:丰其蔀,日中见斗。遇其夷主,吉。九四精解:盛大障蔽,遇 着平手。【六五】爻辞:来章,有庆誉,吉。六五精解:召来贤才,助其盛大。【上六】爻辞:丰其屋,其家,窥其户,阒其无人,三岁不觌,凶。上六精解:盛大屋舍,障蔽家庭。 道德經Wisdom】51尊道贵德可求丰保丰 道生之 德畜之 物形之 势成之 是以万物莫不尊道而贵德 道之尊 德之贵 夫莫之命 而常自然 Tao produces it. Virtue raises it. Material shapes it. External forces perfect it. Therefore the myriad things all respect the Tao and value virtue. The respect for Tao and the value of virtue are natural, not being ordered.
56卦【火山旅】 离上艮下 《序卦传》:穷大者必失其居, 故受之以旅。【旅卦】卦辞:旅,小亭,旅贞吉。卦辞精解:柔和守中,有所不为。 【初六】爻辞:旅琐琐,其所取灾。初六精解:琐细卑鄙,贼役取害。【六二】爻辞:旅即次,怀其资,得童仆贞。六二精解:就舍藏财,用人忠诚。【九三】爻辞:旅焚其次,丧其童仆,贞厉。九三精解:焚毁馆舍,用人不忠。【九四】爻辞:旅于处,得其资斧,我心不快。九四精解:虽得资斧,心不快乐。【六五】爻辞:射雉一天亡,终以誉命。六五精解:猎取荣誉,终必获得。 【上九】爻辞:鸟焚其巢,旅人先笑后号眺。丧牛于易,凶。上九精解:栖身无处,先乐后悲。 【道德經Wisdom22】22抱一守中 曲则全 枉则直 洼则盈 敝则新 少则得 多则惑 是以圣人抱一 为天下式 Yield to succeed. Bend to become straight. Be low to become filled. Be worn out to become renewed. Have less to become more. Have much to become confused. Therefore the sages hold to the principle as an example for the world.
57卦【巽为风】 巽上巽下 《序卦传》:旅而无所容, 故受之以巽;巽者,入也。【巽卦】卦辞:巽,小亨,利有攸往,利见大人。卦辞精解:上下卑顺,贯彻命令。 【初六】爻辞:进退,利武人之贞。初六精解:犹疑不决,要果断正。 【九二】爻辞:巽在床下,用史巫纷若,吉,无咎。九二精解:过分卑顺,不如守中。【九三】爻辞:频巽,吝。九三精解:屡次卑顺,令人惋惜。 【六四】爻辞:悔亡,田获三品。六四精解:猎获高禄,懊悔消失。【九五】爻辞:贞吉,悔亡,无不利。无初有终。先庚三日,后庚三日,吉。九五精解:一再叮咛,并加检讨。【上九】爻辞:巽在床下,丧其资斧,贞凶。上九精解:过分卑顺,丧失果断。 道德經Wisdom17】17道政合一 太上 不知有之; 其次 亲而誉之; 其次 畏之; 其次 侮之; 信不足焉 有不信焉 悠兮 其贵言 功成事遂 百姓皆谓"我自然" The highest rulers, people do not know they have them. The next level, people love them and praise them. The next level, people fear them. The next level, people despise them. If the rulers' trust is insufficient. Have no trust in them. Proceeding calmly, valuing their words. Task accomplished, matter settled, the people all say, "We did it naturally".
58卦【兑为泽】 兑上兑下 《序卦传》:入而后说之,故預 受之以兑;兑者,说也。【兑卦】卦辞:兑,亨利贞。卦辞精解:和悦亨通,忘劳忘死。 【初九】爻辞:和兑,吉。初九精解:以和而悦,行为无疑。【九二】爻辞:兑,吉,悔亡。九二精解:以信而悦,志存诚信。【六三】爻辞:来兑,凶。六三精解:就人求悦,居位不当。【九四】爻辞:商兑未宁,介疾有喜。九四精解:考虑所悦,应恶阴邪。【九五】爻辞:浮于剥,有厉。九五精解:任令剥蚀,危险正着。【上六】爻辞:引兑。上六精解:牵引以悦,有失光明。 道德經Wisdom44】44名与身孰亲 身与货孰多 故知足不辱 知止不殆 可以长久 Fame or health, which is dearer? Health or wealth, which is greater? Knowing contentment avoids disgrace. Knowing when to stop avoids danger. Thus one can have joy indefinitely.
59卦【风水涣】 巽上坎下 《序卦传》:说而后散之, 故受之以涣;涣者,离也。【涣卦】卦辞:涣,享。王假有庙,利涉大川,利贞。卦辞精解:同舟共济,克服困难。 【初六】爻辞:用拯马壮,吉。初六精解:拯救涣散,宜用贤才。【九二】爻辞:涣奔其机,悔亡。九二精解:涣散之时,急就所安。【六三】爻辞:涣其躬,无悔。六三精解:不顾自己,有志于外。【六四】爻辞:涣其群,元吉。涣有丘,匪夷所思。六四精解:散去私党,得 大团结。【九五】爻辞:涣汗其大号,涣,王居无咎。九五精解:除民疾苦,散与财货。 【上九】爻辞:涣其血,去逛出,无咎。上九精解:避祸出走,出于警惕。 道德經Wisdom81】81重聚人心拯救涣散: 利而不害 信言不美 美言不信 善者不辩 辩者不善 知者不博 博者不知 圣人不积 既以为人己愈有 既以与人己愈多 天之道 利而不害 圣人之道 为而不争 True words are not beautiful. Beautiful words are not true. Those who are good do not debate. Those who debate are not good. Those who know do not talk much. Those who talk much do not know. Sages do not accumulate words: the more they assist others, the more they keep to themselves. The more they give to others, the more they gain internally. The Tao of heaven: benefits and does no harm. The Tao of sages: assists and does not contend.
60卦【水泽节】 坎上兑下 《序卦传》:物不可以终离,故受之以节。【节卦】卦辞:节,享。苦节不可贞。卦辞精解:沉着应对,能得畅通。 【初九】爻辞:不出户庭,无咎。初九精解:不出户庭,知所行止。 【九二】爻辞:不出门庭,凶。九二精解:不出门庭,丧失时机。【六三】爻辞:不节若,则嗟若,无咎。六三精解:不加节制,则有伤叹。 【六四】爻辞:安节,亨。六四精解:安然节制,以承上道。 【九五】爻辞:甘节,吉。往有尚。九五精解:过度节制,居中而正。 【上六】爻辞:苦节,贞凶,悔亡。上六精解:过度节制,正也失策。 道德經Wisdom77】居中而正 天道平衡 天之道 其犹张弓与 高者抑下 下者举之 有余者损之 不足者补之 天之道 损有余而补不足 The Tao of Heaven is like drawing a bow. Lower that which is high. Raise that which is low. Reduce that which has excess. Add to that which is lacking. The Tao of heaven: reduces the excessive and adds to the lacking.
61卦【风泽中孚】 巽上兑下 《序卦传》:节而信之, 故受之中。【中孚卦】卦辞:中孚,豚鱼吉,利涉大川,利贞。卦辞精解:内诚感人,克服困难。 【初九】爻辞:虞吉,有它不燕。初九精解:意志不定,不能安适。 【九二】爻辞:鸣鹤在阴,其子和之。我有好爵,吾与尔靡之。九二精解:鹤鸣子和,酒食共享。【六三】爻辞:得敌,或鼓或罢,或泣或歌。六三精解:得着敌对,缺乏内诚。 【六四】爻辞:月几望,马匹亡,无咎。六四精解:尚未凌君,输诚承上。【九五】爻辞:有孚挛如,无咎。九五精解:居位正当,感通天下。【上九】爻辞:翰音登于天,贞凶。上九精解:自鸣太高,反失内诚。 道德經Wisdom77】居位正当 天道平衡 天之道 其犹张弓与 高者抑下 下者举之 有余者损之 不足者补之 天之道 损有余而补不足 The Tao of Heaven is like drawing a bow. Lower that which is high. Raise that which is low. Reduce that which has excess. Add to that which is lacking. The Tao of heaven: reduces the excessive and adds to the lacking.
62卦【雷山小过】 震上艮下 《序卦传》:有其信者必行之, 故受之以小过。【小过卦】卦辞:小过,亨利贞,可小事,不可大事。飞鸟遗之音,不宜上 宜下,大吉。卦辞精解:小事得计,不可大事。 【初六】爻辞:飞鸟以凶。初六精解:进取高禄,小人失策。【六二】爻辞:过其祖,遇其她,不及其君,遇其臣,无咎。六二精解:不越君,与臣共济。【九三】爻辞:弗过防之,从或戕之,凶。九三精解:不过防恶,受其戕害。 【九四】爻辞:无咎。弗过遇之,往厉必戒,勿用永贞。九四精解:柔而遇合,猛进危险。【六五】爻辞:密云不雨,自我西郊,公弋取穴。六五精解:密云不雨, 过阴无成。【上六】爻辞:弗遇过之,飞鸟离之,凶,是谓灾。上六精解:好高骛远,将有灾祸。 道德經Wisdom62】62善人之宝 道者 万物之奥 善人之宝 不善人之所保 美言可以市尊 美行可以加人 The Tao is the wonder of all things: the treasure of the kind person; the protection of the unkind person. Admirable words can win the public's respect. Admirable actions can improve people.
63卦【水火既济】 坎上离下 《序卦传》:有过物者必济, 故受之以既济。【既济卦】卦辞:既济,亨小,利贞,初吉终乱。卦辞精解:小事亨通,终必紊乱。 【初九】爻辞:曳其轮,濡其尾,无咎。初九精解:徘徊不进,不动没错。 【六二】爻辞:妇丧其茀,勿逐,七日得。六二精解:表面败坏,不久可复。【九三】爻辞:高宗伐鬼方,三年克之,小人勿用。九三精解:克制边远,贤才不易。【六四】爻辞:繻有衣,终日戒。六四精解:不忘忧患,终日戒惧。 【九五】爻辞:东邻杀牛,不如西邻之禴祭,实受其福。九五精解:盛祭奢 靡,莫如落祭。【上六】爻辞:濡其首,厉。上六精解:沉溺于酒,将有危险。 道德經Wisdom11】11无的大用 埏埴以为器 当其无 有器之用 故有之以为利 无之以为用 Mix clay to create a container, in its emptiness, there is the function of a container. Cut open doors and windows to create a room, in its emptiness, there is the function of a room. Therefore, that which exists is used to create benefit; that which is empty is used to create functionality.
64卦【火水未济】 离上坎下 《序卦传》:物不可穷也,故受之以未济终焉。【未济卦】卦辞:未济,亨,小狐訖济,濡其尾,无攸利。卦辞精解:慎加考虑,始能亨通。 【初六】爻辞:濡其尾,齐。初六精解:未加考虑,也不量力。【九二】爻辞:其轮,贞吉。九二精解:不轻进退,正道得计。【六三】爻辞:未济,征凶。利涉大川。六三精解:无成不动,能克困难。【九四】爻辞:贞吉,悔亡,震用伐鬼方,三年有赏于大国。九四精解:戒惧奋斗,终得报偿。【六五】爻辞:贞吉,无悔。君子之光,有孚,吉。六五精解:君子光辉,出于诚信。【上九】爻辞:有浮于饮酒,无咎。其首,有失是。上九精解:诚信待时,饮酒自遣。 道德經Wisdom11】11无的大用 埏埴以为器 当其无 有器之用 故有之以为利 无之以为用 Mix clay to create a container, in its emptiness, there is the function of a container. Cut open doors and windows to create a room, in its emptiness, there is the function of a room. Therefore, that which exists is used to create benefit; that which is empty is used to create functionality.
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