PNN Capital®

Develop new QuantTech for alpha and risk optimization
QuantTech: AI modeling + tech analysis + ICO + QMO
Value: choice & predictive modeling + problem solving
投资交易的AI建模 + 技术分析 + 易经 + 奇門

Zeus, the father of Apollo and Athena
"Match by Capabilities, Win by Differentiators"
以正合,以奇胜 - "Art of War" winning strategy (Ch5)
Athena for financial institutions: AWS, brief
5/2024: MSFT (18%), AAPL (16%), NVDA (12%)

Yes Ratio = ƒ(Sharpe Ratio, Resilience Metric)

For real-time Yes Ratios, email

PNN® CAP - New Tool of Causal AI Modeling
CAP enables model definition, latent factor discovery, noise reduction, prediction, and finding latent causal relations
Why CAP? 1) Protecting human race: CAP enables creation and continuous monitoring of AI Risk Index (ARI).
2) Investment problem solving for new insight: CAP discovers MACD is 2x more effective than RSI.
3) Professional problem solving: needs CAP to identify root cause and develop solutions for predictive future state

New Tools of Classic Quant. Modeling & Prediction
May the Force be with you - 心如止水 宠辱不惊
恬淡虚无 精神内守 病安从来 (黄帝内经)
幸福之钥修身 得失随缘 心无增减 喜风不动 定在慈悲
幸福之钥齐家 口中有德 目中有人 心中有爱 行中有善
此心不动 随机而动 (Mindfulness Calm Timing Act)

Wisdoms | Recipe | MoMed | QiHealth
PNN® Charts - Predictive Neural Network (PNN®)
Use the first Trendspotting AI® machine to elevate mission-critical alpha for PNN AI funds with repeatable high accuracies.
PNN QuantTech extends & automates Shiller-Fama framework (Nobel 2013) showing asset trends are predictable.

Predicted AAPL price movement in the blue line

Actual AAPL price movement
否(易12卦) 极 泰(易11卦) 来

PNN® Timing (MACD) identifies the turning points of bullish and bearish cycles: AAPL Gold Cross (1Y)

PNN® ICO predicts price movements of stocks and assets based on 阴阳 forces. 帝王术数自动化, 起卦解卦自动化.

From Omnipotent Wisdom and Force (奇門遁甲), PNN® QMO can trendspot price movements of stocks.
帝王术数自动化, 起盘自动化
Then how to analyze the Qimen 5 plates-神人星天地?
1-Future? 8神 | 2-What(Current)? 8门 | 3-Who? 9星
4-Why? 天盘: 3奇6仪 | 5-More? 地盘: 3奇6仪

奇門遁甲作者: 黃帝 姜子牙 張良 諸葛亮 刘伯温

3 S&P 500 Stocks (AAPL, BAC, AXP) Power 75% Of Buffett's Profit

PNN® funds are private, operating on insights and findings from PNN® QuantTech.
Who cares: institutions, mutual funds, 401K/IRA contributors
Tech: New QuantTech, CAP, AWS, natural causal experiment
This: NextGen AI + technical analysis for trading
Next: Wealth works for health; QuantTech for hedge funds
© PNN Capital USA | © DeepCyber MD USA
201 International Circle, Hunt Valley, Maryland, 21030