Invest and Live with Role-model Personality Type
Resilient, Emotionally Strong Plus High on Four Traits
How to Train Resilience Trait for Parenting and Self-care?
Role-model Personality: What and How?
Use to measure your current personality type;
Use scientific methods from apps and tabs to train self and others to become the role-model type in the future.
Translate 是指个人面对生活逆境,创伤,悲剧,威胁及其他生活重大压力的良好适应,也是个人应激(stress)和应对(coping)的正面结果.
3. Buffett View on Emotions and Investment
1. Self-awareness: deep abdominal breathing
2. Attention – flexibility & stability of focus: mindfulness, meditation
3. Letting go (1) – physical: become peaceful and calm
4. Letting go (2) – mental: change negative or unhelpful beliefs
5. Accessing & sustaining positive emotion: lower expectation
Source; Find more training tools from other tabs
Translate Compartmentalize today from past and future; being in the present
Become Resilient, Emotionally Strong, Mentally Tough, Tough Skin
You can score low on the Emotional (Not-resilient) trait of the Personality Scale Accept the worst case scenario; Start problem solving for target state
Like slow waterboarding. Negativity keeps you focused on the problem, whereas positivity helps you find solutions to it.
If a problem has a solution, you do not need to worry about it. If a problem has no solution, it will not help to worry about it.
5W-1H: What, Why, When, Where, Who, How
Write down What, Why, Problem, Solution
Keep self busy
Do not overpay for little things
90% chance it would not happen
Accept it if shit happens
Set a time limit to get over it.
Do not correct the past
Rest often before getting tired
Worries, depression, nervousness make you tired
Write it down and talk about it with loving family
Clean desk and room, clarify and prioritize, start action on decisions, divide and conquer, assign responsibilities, monitor and oversee
Improvise: anything can be made interesting, we like to work on passions
Worrying about insomnia hurts more than insomnia itself, so do not worry
Who cares: parents, investors, companies, 401K contributors
Tech: next-gen AI, machine causal intelligence, cloud
This: scientific methods to become emotionally strong
Next: human nature