Meditation and Qigong

How to De-stress?
Keep a Relaxed Tranquil Peaceful Mind
Tranquility Makes Beautiful Times and a Joyful Life


Release blocked life energy and feel-good hormone



坐中静破焦虑 舍中得破愿望 事上练破犹豫
破山中贼易 破心中贼难
此心不动 随机而动 --王阳明
Choice=ƒ(佛慧Medicine 道慧Action 儒慧Love)

How to Optimize Happy Hormones?

ToeBendOneN 脚尖松腕 高抛一点收脚 屈膝顶髋P-L 前切ST

0 1 2 3 Motion: Pinpoint定点发球(收脚高抛 重心前移)
Platform Stance Federer(重心前后前)
HopLagLegD 右举左推UT 右脚屈膝Load 左手D DeepST Net
HopSitStickN: Hop SitLow Stick BackHandDefense

(-1) 0 1 2 3 Repeat Return Serve Motion (footwork)
TaiJi for Tennis

Meditate Anytime Anywhere 静气功:吐纳打坐

Close eyes, smile, cross legs or Yoga stand

Persisting in an optimistic attitude is key to success
Belly breathing inhale-hold-exhale-hold 5555

Chest breathing 12-20 per minute -> BB 2-3 breaths per minute
Nature Citation for BB on Anxiety
Medical Citation for BB on Acid Reflux HB
Always be looking for the opportunities, and always be optimistic about what you can do with the opportunity. - C. Powell

Two hands facing each other, like holding a ball

Compartmentalize today from past and future; being in the present
Become Resilient, Emotionally Strong, Mentally Tough, Tough Skin

Accept the worst case scenario; Start problem solving for target state

Like slow waterboarding. Negativity keeps you focused on the problem, whereas positivity helps you find solutions to it.

If a problem has a solution, you do not need to worry about it. If a problem has no solution, it will not help to worry about it.
Breathe or swing with music (belly breathing)

5W-1H: What, Why, When, Where, Who, How

Write down What, Why, Problem, Solution
Recall loving people and happy moments

Keep self busy

Do not overpay for little things

90% chance it would not happen

Accept it if shit happens

Set a time limit to get over it.

Do not correct the past

getting warm | self healing | relaxing | feeling good

Conscious memory makes conscious anxiety (CA), e.g., recalling a trauma event can cause conscious anxiety such as posttraumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).
Unconscious memory makes unconscious anxiety, e.g., 1) associates of a trauma event can cause unconscious anxiety by priming effect; 2) white coat anxiety hypertension.
Conscious anxiety can be described in awareness; unconscious anxiety is not in awareness and cannot be explained or controlled.

1. systolic blood pressure under UA - systolic blood pressure under MMQ; diastolic blood pressure under UA - diastolic blood pressure under MMQ.
2. ECG T-ware inversion can possibly measure UA.

Like conscious anxiety, UA is a form of unhappiness. Eliminating UA and CA makes you happy.
CA is short lived and can be addressed by reasoning and cognitive therapy. UA is pervasive, hidden, harder to address.

Rest often before getting tired

Worries, depression, nervousness make you tired

Write it down and talk about it with loving family

Clean desk and room, clarify and prioritize, start action on decisions, divide and conquer, assign responsibilities, monitor and oversee

Improvise: anything can be made interesting, we like to work on passions

Worrying about insomnia hurts more than insomnia itself, so do not worry


Magnesium deficiency causes anxiety and insomnia. Magnesium-rich foods (nuts and seeds) or magnesium supplement before bedtime?
降LDL食物 (168->112; <=99mg / dl)
蛋白质: 鸡胸肉,蛋白液 | 油脂:核桃仁
油膩甜點少吃(吃一小口), 秋葵(okra)
断:舌苔白厚舌有齿, heartburn, acid reflux
治: TUMS, Magnesium
调穴1(e-cupping):太白 公孙(OM),神门,内关

Who cares: parents, teenagers, students, 401K contributors
Tech: next-gen AI, machine causal intelligence, cloud
This: effective methods to become tranquil
Next: MMQ effect by Causal AI Platform