动爻Changing lines解卦之钥
Why ask the I Ching oracle?
解惑传道 & 提升领导力 elevate wisdom and leadership on understanding, vision, decision, and solution to 趋吉避凶 (Approaching Gain Avoiding Loss, Prospect Theory, Kahneman & Tversky 2000):
1) Clarify current state: from participant views to bystander views (mindfulness,out-of-box thinking,上帝视角,正念善念,禪-夺境夺人) 旁观者清 当局者迷;
2) Predict future state for better vision and direction;
3) How to get there: transformer solutions for problem-solving leadership;
4) Study solution wisdoms (道) to solve the problems of 64 hexagrams (六爻卦). 学习不变(之道)应万变(之卦).
How to use ICO the wisdom library?
Roadmap: 1) Problem needs solution; 2) Cast "coins" to generate hexagrams (六爻卦); 3) Analyze current state; 4) Analyze future state; 5) Find solution knowledge - how to get there?
6) Find solution wisdom.
Example 1: generate a scenario (六爻卦) to evaluate best-practice recommendations (including solution wisdom 道), then make a wise decision on path forward;
Example 2: generate a worst-case scenario (下下卦) to prepare for the challenge with problem-solving recommendations, then make a wise call;
Example 3: use 道解卦 to seek solution wisdoms for the 64 hexagrams (六爻卦 scenario categories or patterns of states).
朱熹《周易本义》 《八卦取象歌》
天乾三连 ☰ 地坤六断 ☷
泽兑上缺 ☱ 风巽下断 ☴
火离中虚 ☲ 水坎中满 ☵
雷震仰盂 ☳ 山艮覆碗 ☶
1) 六爻不变,以本卦卦辞断.
2) 一爻动,以动爻之爻辞断之.
3) 两爻动者,则取阴爻之爻辞以为断,盖以"阳主过去,阴主未来"故也,所动的两爻如果同是阳爻或阴爻,则取上动之爻断之.
4) 三爻动者,以所动三爻的中间一爻之爻辞为断.
5) 四爻动者,以下静之爻辞断之.
6) 五爻动者,取静爻的爻辞断之.
7) 六爻皆动的卦,如果是乾坤二卦,用辞断. 乾坤两卦外其余各卦,如果是六爻皆动,则以变卦的彖辞断之.
Audience 禪(Zen): "参话头"-卦 悟时"如桶底脱" (六祖坛经)
自占自解自参自悟(道道禪道): 上士闻道, 勤而行之; 中士闻道, 若存若亡; 下士闻道, 大笑之, 不笑不足以为道 (道德经41).
When the highest type of people hear the Tao, they try hard to live in accordance with it.
When the average type hear the Tao, they seem to be aware and yet unaware of it. When the lowest type hear the Tao, they break into loud laughter - If it were not laughed at, it would not be Tao (Tao Te Ching, Chapter 41).
曾仕强六十四卦精解 |
六十四卦应用 |
50-Yarrow-Stalks-Algo (蓍草秆算法 自占自解) |
易经 videos 1 |
易经 videos 2 |
体例 |
卦中有卦 |
奇門遁甲 |
六爻解卦 |
道德经 |
曾仕强道德经 |
道德经22 |
Tao Te Ching |